Vannessa Falcón Orta Ph.D.
Dr. Vanessa Falcoìn Orta is Transfronteriza from the San Diego-Tijuana borderlands. She holds a B.A. in Psychology from San Diego State University, an M.S. in Counseling, Emphasis in Student Development in Higher Education ( SDHE) from California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). She is also a Ph.D. in Education from the Joint Doctoral Program in Education (JDP) at SDSU & Claremont Graduate University (CGU). Currently, she is a Visiting Scholar for the Borderlands Education Center (BEC) at the University of Arizona (UofA), focusing on creating research and spaces of inclusion for Transfronterizx students in the community college at the Douglas-Agua Prieta borderlands. She is also an Adjunct Faculty teaching online in the Department of Counseling and Human Services at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. This November, she will join the SDSU campus community as Faculty Director for the new Cross-Cultural Center at SDSU Imperial Valley.